Wednesday 7 December 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Projecting a professional image on the job

Task 1:

In order for us to come across as professionals, we need to project this mage. Click on this link for the Dos and the Don’ts. Write one sentence on each Do and Don’t you have read about.

Expert advice for creating a professional image in the workplace

Do dress to impress - your image matters

Do be likable - adopt a positive attitude

Do sharpen your social skills

Do build your personal brand - stand out with distinction

Do grow and nurture your network

Do not overlook the unwritten rules

Do not be inflexible

Do not misrepresent yourself

Do not shirk responsibility or point fingers

Task 2:

Watch this video and write down the main idea(s), suggestions, and strategies the presenter wanted to offer.

Task 3:

Compare the reading and the video together; write down the similarities and the differences between them. Ask two of your peers on their findings and again compare them to yours. 

The speaker said, technical skills and knowledge account of 15% 85% of your job success is connected to your people skills, If people just have IQ don't have EQ, not connected people,can't be successful.
How to ask around people? when you interacting in business world, it is important to make the most of each meeting, this in clues professional presentation and communication,creating an effective in introduction, remembering names conversation skills.
Three-step process:
  • facial expression
  • shake hands 
  • greet the person
Engaging people one-on -one walk up extend your hand, smile, make eye contact, introduce yourself name and something about your self use the person's name back in a reply, ask a question to start a conversation.
practice these tips
  • be well informed
  • focus on the other person
  • asking question
  • don't interrupt
  • do listen
  • appropriate topics
  • close a convesation

Thursday 1 December 2016

Good morning everybody,

Yesterday, we talked about domestic violence and violence against women. Today, I want you to think about violence and harassment in workplace. Skim through this link and then answer the following tasks.

Task 1:
Think of a definition of violence in workplace. Does violence occur in workplace? Does it always have to be from your boss? How can you describe it? How does it happen? Why do you think it happen?

Task 2:
List four or more things, actions, attitude, or behaviours that can be considered violence at workplace.

Task 3:
What is/are the best action(s) in your opinion to deal with that kind of violence or harassment?

Task 4:
If you were to advise a friend or a family member who has just joined new workplace or school to be aware of violence at workplace, what would you say to him or to her?

Dear Ming,
I heard you find a new job, I congratulation to you, you are so lucky in short time find a professional job.
I come to Canada long time, I have workplace experience, I knew  same violence happen  in workplace, because people come from different county, they have different background, common sense, they use  threatening behavior,  verbal or written threats, Harassment , Verbal abuse, Physical attacks. If you meet this situation, don't be frighten. You can report your manage first, if doesn't work, you can report to the police office.
I think you can be friendly treat your colleague, your colleague also nice to you.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

    Myth or fact
The idea that cold weather causes a cold or flu is a common myth. Many people believe it, but it is not in fact true. Write a short email to a friend or a family member telling him/her other examples of common beliefs about health that have been proven to be untrue.
Ask one of your peers to check your writing before publishing.

Hi Di, 
Long  time no see, how is going, every thing is ok. I know you come to Canada soon, I 'm going to tell you about Canada the weather and what you should preparing.
In Canada, the winter time so long and extremely cold, the people spend more time indoors, you should wear layer clothing, don't  just wear think jacket and one shirt, because indoors very warm, by the way I want tell you some important some thing, cold and the flu are especially common in the winter, you are new comer to Canada, you don't have medicine insurance, you should bring some medicine and give me some. I think workout is important, when you come here, you can have workout in indoors gm, but summer time, you can going to outside do it.
I hope you are happy in Canada, if you have any question and any problem,  you can ask me, I can help you.
Best regard

I haven't seen you for a long time. How it going? I hope that everything is ok. i know you  will come to Canada soon, I'm going to tell you about Canadian weather and what you should be prepared for.
In Canada the winter time is long and extremely cold, people spend more time indoors, you should wear layers, don't just wear thick jacket and one shirt, beca

Thursday 17 November 2016

Let's do the follow-up activity. Click on that link and role-play this dialogue with one of your peers.
Friends: Cocktail, Gala, Potluck - cheatsheet!
CLB 6 L: Listen and respond to a friend’s reason for cancelling a dinner date.

A: So, we’ll be seeing you at this Friday’s cocktail party?
B: Oh, I didn’t tell you. We cancelled.
A: That’s a surprise. How come?
B: We didn’t know earlier, but the Jameses are going.
A: And how’s that a problem?
B: They just seem so snobbish, always trying to keep up appearances.
A: Maybe they’re just nouveau riche and trying to adjust.
B: I don’t know. They’re too much like FOBs, and they talk funny.
A: Look who’s snobbish here.
B: Hey, whose side are you on?
A: Maybe we could reach out to them and see if we could help them become more socially integrated.
B: Whatever! We just can’t stand elitists and hypocrites!

A: Let’s wrap up the conversation at the Strachans’ annual white-tie gala ok?
B: Sorry, but we’ve decided to decline the invite.
A: You didn’t! Really?
B: We just didn’t want to have to talk to the Buchanans.
A: Seriously? What seems to be the problem?
B: They’re kind of standoffish in my book.
A: I wouldn’t be so quick to judge. It is not hard to commit a faux pas of formal etiquette in a new country.
B: I’d say so, in their case!
A: Ooh, look who’s all about high culture now?
B: Are you mocking me now?
A: Why don’t you be nice for a change?
B: Look who’s trying to be a saint!

A: You’ll be at the charity potluck this evening, won’t you?
B: I don’t think so. We turned down the invitation.
A: What? You didn’t.
B: We had no choice once we found out that the Mendezes would be there.
A: What’s your beef with them?
B: They’re all about keeping up with the Joneses.
A: Maybe they’re just trying to fit in.
B: It’s obvious they’re splurging bigtime on bling in order to impress others.
A: When did you become so cultured all of a sudden?
B: Hey, I resent that! I was just being honest.
A: People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
B: Nice of you. A friend in need is a friend, indeed!               

Monday's assignment

Good morning all,

Listen to this talk and answer the following questions:

  1. Why did the presenter mention “My fair lady”?re mention the move 
  2. What is the percentage of youth the speaker has mentioned? How many text they send? How often? 
  3. What are the ten advice the speaker mentioned to have a great conversation?
  4. Now, complete the table and add as many words or phrases that you have learned from the talk.



expressing your opinion  long way 

refuse sb

a person who know a lot about a particular subject and who often talks about it in public an expert

opposed to great or sudden social change

be free

Go with the flow
to fellow an others

Brag about
to talk too proudly about sth you own or sth you have done. show off.

get high position 

behaving as though you are more important and more intelligent than other people

to say or write sth using different words in order to make the meaning clearer

a very short skirt

Good morning everyone,

Today we will start with a different speaking task. Read the following dialogue once and then click on this link and follow the following steps: 

First, record yourself reading the following dialogue without looking up any words.

Second, find out the meaning of the underlined words and use each one in a sentence.

Third, record a second time reading the same dialogue.

Fourth, copy both links to your blog for your teacher’s feedback.

A: So, we’ll be seeing you at this Friday’s cocktail party?

B: Oh, I didn’t tell you.We cancelled.

A: That’s a surprise. How come?

B: We didn’t know earlier, but the Jameses are going.

A: And how’s that a problem?

B: They just seem so snobbish, always trying to keep up appearances.

A: Maybe they’re just nouveau riche and trying to adjust.

B: I don’t know. They’re too much like FOBs, and they talk funny.

A: Look who’s snobbish here.

B: Hey, whose side are you on?

A: Maybe we could reach out to them and see if we could help them become more 

socially integrated.

B: Whatever! We just can’t stand elitists and hypocrites
Good morning everyone,

Today we will start with a different speaking task. Read the following dialogue once and then click on this link and follow the following steps: 

First, record yourself reading the following dialogue without looking up any words.

Second, find out the meaning of the underlined words and use each one in a sentence.

Third, record a second time reading the same dialogue.

Fourth, copy both links to your blog for your teacher’s feedback.

A: So, we’ll be seeing you at this Friday’s cocktail party?

B: Oh, I didn’t tell you.We cancelled.

A: That’s a surprise. How come?

B: We didn’t know earlier, but the Jameses are going.

A: And how’s that a problem?

B: They just seem so snobbish, always trying to keep up appearances.

A: Maybe they’re just nouveau riche and trying to adjust.

B: I don’t know. They’re too much like FOBs, and they talk funny.

A: Look who’s snobbish here.

B: Hey, whose side are you on?

A: Maybe we could reach out to them and see if we could help them become more 

socially integrated.

B: Whatever! We just can’t stand elitists and hypocrites

Wednesday 16 November 2016

Good morning everyone,

Today we will start with a different speaking task. Read the following dialogue once and then click on this link and follow the following steps: 

First, record yourself reading the following dialogue without looking up any words.

Second, find out the meaning of the underlined words and use each one in a sentence.

Third, record a second time reading the same dialogue.

Fourth, copy both links to your blog for your teacher’s feedback.

A: So, we’ll be seeing you at this Friday’s cocktail party?

B: Oh, I didn’t tell you.We cancelled.

A: That’s a surprise. How come?

B: We didn’t know earlier, but the Jameses are going.

A: And how’s that a problem?

B: They just seem so snobbish, always trying to keep up appearances.

A: Maybe they’re just nouveau riche and trying to adjust.

B: I don’t know. They’re too much like FOBs, and they talk funny.

A: Look who’s snobbish here.

B: Hey, whose side are you on?

A: Maybe we could reach out to them and see if we could help them become more 

socially integrated.

B: Whatever! We just can’t stand elitists and hypocrites!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Wednesday's assignment

Task 1:
The following words/phrases come from the radio show you will listen to. Write down what you think the phrases mean. Then listen for the phrases in the recording and revise your definitions based on what you hear.

• create rapport to build  the relationship with other one
• interaction  people effect each other 
• no-no’s topic is personal question 
• casual friends  is not close friend 
• break the ice not Comfortable
• robotic person has good memory
• engage in (a conversation) join conversation
• colleagues   the people working with

Task 2:
Listen to a radio show guest talk about small talk. Underline true or false below.
1. Small talk is mainly used to get things done and to provide information. T F T

2. When someone asks, How are you? they are asking for information about your health. T F F

3. In Canada, people always expect you to ask about their family. T F T

4. People use small talk in the workplace to keep their work relationships friendly. T F T

5. An example of small talk is giving a compliment to someone. T F T

6. Couples who have been together for a long time often engage in small talk. T F T

7. People in Canada talk about the weather all the time because they love it so much. T F T