Tuesday 29 November 2016

    Myth or fact
The idea that cold weather causes a cold or flu is a common myth. Many people believe it, but it is not in fact true. Write a short email to a friend or a family member telling him/her other examples of common beliefs about health that have been proven to be untrue.
Ask one of your peers to check your writing before publishing.

Hi Di, 
Long  time no see, how is going, every thing is ok. I know you come to Canada soon, I 'm going to tell you about Canada the weather and what you should preparing.
In Canada, the winter time so long and extremely cold, the people spend more time indoors, you should wear layer clothing, don't  just wear think jacket and one shirt, because indoors very warm, by the way I want tell you some important some thing, cold and the flu are especially common in the winter, you are new comer to Canada, you don't have medicine insurance, you should bring some medicine and give me some. I think workout is important, when you come here, you can have workout in indoors gm, but summer time, you can going to outside do it.
I hope you are happy in Canada, if you have any question and any problem,  you can ask me, I can help you.
Best regard

I haven't seen you for a long time. How it going? I hope that everything is ok. i know you  will come to Canada soon, I'm going to tell you about Canadian weather and what you should be prepared for.
In Canada the winter time is long and extremely cold, people spend more time indoors, you should wear layers, don't just wear thick jacket and one shirt, beca

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