Monday 30 January 2017

Monday's Assignment

Good morning everyone,

Task 1:

Listen to this audio and answer the questions in number 2, 3, 4, and 5,and then check your answers.

Task 2:

Did you benefit from this task? Fill in the following table with new words/expressions that you have learned and put each in a sentence.

I'm not caught up the bus in this morning 
pull over
if the police let you pull over, you will get trouble


to hit 


Thursday 26 January 2017

Thursday's Assignment

Good afternoon everyone,
We are still working on our writing, and here is today’s task:
Choose one of the topics below or create your own. Write a paragraph using correct paragraph structure, spelling and grammar. Include a topic sentence, supporting details and a concluding sentence.
Write a paragraph to:
1.     Describe your weekend
2.     Describe your employment history
3.     Describe a significant event in your life
4.     Describe a person you know well
5.     Describe a movie or book you like

Use the rubric below to rate your own paragraph.

Not good yet
Getting Better

Topic sentence
Topic sentence is not clear. Topic sentence is incorrectly placed.

Topic sentence is clear and is correctly placed.

Topic sentence is clear and is correctly placed.

Supporting details
There are no
supporting details about the topic sentence.

Some details support the topic sentence; some do not.

Each detail supports the topic sentence.

Grammar and
Paragraph has several
grammar, punctuation
and spelling errors. These errors make the paragraph hard to read.

Paragraph has a few grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.

Paragraph has no
errors in punctuation,
spelling or grammar

I have similarly every weekend. On Saturday, in the morning, I prepare food for my family send my daughter, after breakfast, I send my daughter to international language school to studding Chinese. After I have a grocery shopping,  cook lunch and pick up my daughter from school.We talk about her school news and some interesting things, afternoon is her skiing class time, I watching her in ice rink and see her beautiful figure, I feel so proud ,she is growing up now. On Sunday I usually clean my home, to do the launder, and watch a movie in the afternoon, I'd like such as simple but for me is very important weekend, I can have lot of fun with my family.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Tuesday's Assignment

Listen to the introduction of a presentation

Task 1:
Write the main topics that the presentation will address. Prepare to take notes by writing headings for your notes. Compare with a partner and discuss differences.
Task 2:
Listen to the next part of the presentation. Take notes on key information. Compare your notes and discuss the strategies you used (listening for key words, using abbreviations, using a chart).
Task 3:
Listen to the rest of the presentation and take notes on the information so you can re-tell it. Compare your notes and discuss the strategies you used (listening for key words, using abbreviations, using a chart).
proximity, land lock,border latitude  forestry, domestic tidbit demographics 
Task 4:
Listen to the entire presentation again. Review your notes for organization and accuracy. Revise where necessary. Compare with others in the class and discuss any challenges you faced.
This presentation main topics take about Alberta and Saskatchewan similar and different, including geography location, climate, demographic nature results economic and population. they both belong prairie province, land lock bound USA. Alberta dryer and cool that Saskatchewan. Economic different is Alberta large than Saskatchewan, Alberta GDP five time more than Saskatchewan. Alberta population more that Saskatchewan.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Thursday's assignment

Trip Report

Good morning everyone,

Hope that all who attended yesterday have enjoyed the day and learnt something new.
Let’s start with our famous trip report writing activity.

Write a report describing yesterday’s experience for you.
  • What did you learn that was new to you?
  • What impressed you the most?
  • What was something somehow similar to your home country?
  • Was there anything that you felt uncomfortable with? If yes, what is it? And why?
  • Would you like to have the same trip again in the future?
  • Do you have any other suggestions to different venues/field trips/ locations?

For the ones who could not make it yesterday, you need to write a different report.
  • What made you miss yesterday’s trip?Because I was felt down before yesterday. My life side leg and my back too painful, I went take a rest at home.
  • Were there any other solutions you could have done?i was toke some me medicine and Hot compress.
  • Have you been to UfT before? What did you like there? Or what would you like to see if you haven’t been there before?Yes I have been before the U of T, I'd like the school building and library. 
  • Interview one or more of your peers who have attended and ask them of the day’s highlight. I ask ed suky, she told me, chapel and a person who  create the U of T 

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Tuesday's assignment

Parenting Self-Analysis

In your journey to become a positive, more effective parent it is important to honestly evaluate your needs and strengths as a parent.

A- Complete the following exercise by filling in the blanks.

1. I want to become a better parent because _I should give my children set a example, children always cope parent, if the parent have bed habit, the children will follow._______________________

2. What areas do I need to improve in to become an effective parent? (For
example: being more compassionate, organized, etc.) List at least 3 ways
you would like to improve as a parent.
a __honesty
b _I'd like to improve inspiration________________________________________________________
c. _resourceful orange___________________________________________________

3. Everyone has strengths, things they do well, that can be used to help
them improve. (For example: budgeting, buying wholesome food, etc.)
Realizing that you are responsible in one area can motivate you to be
responsible in others. List at least three strengths you have as a parent.
a. leadership_________________________________________________________
b. _reliable________________________________________________________
c. positive attitude_________________________________________________________

4. How do you think improving your character and skills as a parent will
improve your family?                                                                                                                               _I think I should improve my skills in family___________________________________________

B- Now, watch this video and then answer the following questions:

1.                 How many parenting styles were mentioned in that video?
There are three parenting styles in that video
2.                 Which one do you think yourself represent? Why?
I think first one look like me, because I always command my doughtier to tide up 
3.                 In your opinion, what are the differences between the different parenting styles, especially after your children are grown up?
In my opinion third one is a good parenting style,because authoritative  parenting can often lead to social capability happiness and success.

    C- Fill in the table with all the new vocabulary/expressions that you have heard on that video:

    New word/expression
    believing that people should obey authority and rules even when these are unfair

    the quality of thinking and behaving in a sensible adult manner

    the ability or qualities necessary to do sth

    Monday 16 January 2017

    Monday's assignment

    ’I wish I were’ 
    In modern, spoken English both ’I wish I were’ and ‘I wish I was’ are accepted as being grammatically correct, but usually and in formal contexts it is more appropriate to use ‘I wish I were’.
    • Example: I wish I were as young as you.
    • Example: I wish I were in a sunny place.
    Write a short paragraph starting with "I wish I were................." and the reason for your wish and how you can achieve this dream if achievable. 

    I wish I were a four-year child. I study a Preschool, I  played every singe day  and also can learn little word, I don't have more stress, I don't care money and housework,I don't care how to find a job and look care my children. my parent they was take care me,  prepared the food and cloths for me. I can played with my friends in school and my home, we went to the zoo and  science center, we got lot of fun in our childhood.  childhood was happiness time in my life, so I missed it.      

    Wednesday 11 January 2017

    Listen to the PM’s speech and then follow the tasks below:

    1.     Note 5 achievements or more of 2016 that were mentioned. List them in order of importance, and compare your list with a partner.
    2.     Create a table and compare and contrast what was said with what a leader in your home town might have said.
    3.     Make a list of ten or more new vocabulary and expressions and put them in sentences of your own.
         5 achievements of 2016 that mentioned
    1.geverment put more money in the pockets of middle class families and reached a historic agreement so more hard working Canadians can retire in dignity
    2. established Canada as a leader in the fight against climate and put a plan in place to protect our clean air and oceans for generations to come
    3.declared trans rights as human rights and passed legislation to fully protect gender identity and we signed one of the most progressive free trade deals in history to benefit the middle class  and all those working hard to join it.
    4.For the first time in Canada history a judge from Newfoundland and Labrador who's also bilingual, sits on our highest court.
    5. we  'll soon have an extraordinary Canadian woman on our ten dollar bill
     new vocabulary
    extraordinary-Every one want have a extraordinary the life.
    prosperous-I hope Canada economy prosperous
    dignity-be a human should have dimity alive
    step up -I need step up learn the English,because I'll be old soon.
    sought-philosopher spend the whole life to sought truth