Wednesday 2 March 2016

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


1. Reading Assessment

There are 2 reading tasks.

This link will be used for Task 1:

This passage will be used for Task 2:
Dear Sir or Madam:

I am writing to complain about the repair service division of your telephone company. On Sunday evening, a storm blew through my neighbourhood, knocking down trees and causing power outages. A tree in our yard was ripped out of the ground, and as it fell, it brought down the telephone line behind our house. The bulk of the tree was lying on our neighbours’ property, with two cars partly crushed under it.

Within minutes of this incident, I discovered that our land line was dead and that two other households in the neighbourhood had the same problem. I then used my cell phone to call your repair service line. After I finally got through the irritating automated choice system, I finally got to talk to a real live human, who immediately dismissed my concern and told me to “call the City.” When I called the City, I was told that they never deal with trees that are touching any kind of electrical wire, and that I would have to call your telephone company. So, I called again and was eventually connected with a friendly man who confirmed that, indeed, a tree branch on a telephone wire is your company’s responsibility. When he told me he would send out a technician, I tried to explain that this was not a problem for a technician, since pliers and screwdrivers would be the wrong tools for this situation. Again, my concern was dismissed.

The technician arrived the next day, looked at the tree, and told me to “call the City”. At this point, I was not prepared to start down that path again, so I insisted that the technician contact his manager to sort out the situation. After a half hour on the phone, he told us that your telephone company would send someone to remove the tree the next day. Three days later, someone finally arrived to remove the tree, repair the line, and restore our phone service.

After this experience, I am very disappointed with your company. I cannot believe that a phone service that has been in the business for decades does not have a clear and consistent policy for dealing with emergencies. Surely this is not the first time a tree has fallen on a telephone wire. The people who are supposed to assist customers through your so-called “help” line, even if they are working from overseas call centres, should be better trained to give proper assistance.

I would like a 25% reduction in my monthly telephone bill for this month because I lost service for a week due to your company’s slow response to my emergency. Furthermore, I would like compensation for cell phone charges incurred that week, as I was required to use my cell, which I normally reserve only for roadside assistance. While I realize that your company cannot be held responsible for the storm itself, the quality of your emergency service is definitely within your area of responsibility. I have been a loyal customer for twenty-five years and have multiple accounts with your company. I will remain a loyal customer only if this issue is handled fairly and promptly.

Thank you for addressing my concern.

Simon Suffian

Account # 34876-09-23996

2. Listening Assessment

There are 2 listening tasks.

Use this audio for Task 1:

Use this audio for Task 2:

3. Feedback form/Self Learning

Complete feedback form and then go to this website where you will explore how to test your English skills for improvement:

4. Speaking Assessment

5. Writing Assessment

Writing Assessment – Task #1
In 300-400 words, write a formal letter to a work supervisor to request a leave of absence 

Writing Assessment – Task #2

Create a 10-15 step by step instructions that someone can follow

Monday, 25 January 2016

WHMIS Lesson Questions

Hello everyone,

To help me determine whether or not you have understood our lesson on Workplace Safety in Canada please complete the following activities. Please remember to ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES.

 Activity 1

Watch this video and write a summary of the video in 1 paragraph which includes the 5 points below. I'm looking for what connection you can make between the video and what you've learned about your rights and responsibilities in terms of safety as a worker in Canada.

1) What the incident that occurred was
2) What Clera did wrong (regarding working a new machine)
3) What Clera should have done
4) Your rights and responsibility for safe work in Canada
5) How the video made you feel overall


Activity 2

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

1) Does the worker know that there are hazardous materials around him - Yes/No?
2) What category does the hazardous material fall under?
3) Using this image (click here), what are some basic handling procedures for the category you chose in question 2.
3) Was it wrong for the boss to rip up the employee's suggestion to get safety cabinets? Why or why not?
4) How did the employee make his workplace a safer place to work?

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