Monday 30 May 2016

Monday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Do dreams come true?

This question I would like every one of you to answer in the following tasks. Based on our today’s reading (Dream Comes True), please write a similar overview for yourself following the main points below:

Task 1:
  • Introduce yourself in 2 lines
  • Specify your dream
  • Give a short background on yourself
  • Describe your family
  • Describe your education
  • Highlight two to three of your achievements in life
  • Share a new goal you want to achieve in the future

Task 2:

Ask one of your peers to edit your work and give you a helpful suggestion on how to achieve your new goal.

Task 3:

After editing, publish your work for evaluation J

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My name is Rosie, I'm come from China, my professional bake grand is office stuff, I was worked a hight school office 4 years. I believe I have lot of office experience. 
When I come to Canada before, my dream is I wanted to be a office stuff in Canada, but my English not good enough, so i came to LINC school to studding English until  new. Before I to came Canada my English so poor, I just

Monday's assignment

Good morning everyone,

Do dreams come true?

This question I would like every one of you to answer in the following tasks. Based on our today’s reading (Dream Comes True), please write a similar overview for yourself following the main points below:

Task 1:
  • Introduce yourself in 2 lines
  • Specify your dream
  • Give a short background on yourself
  • Describe your family
  • Describe your education
  • Highlight two to three of your achievements in life
  • Share a new goal you want to achieve in the future

Task 2:

Ask one of your peers to edit your work and give you a helpful suggestion on how to achieve your new goal.

Task 3:

After editing, publish your work for evaluation J

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 Rosie come from China. her profession bake grand is office stuff. I was worked the a school office 4 years, she believe Ishe has lot of office experience.
When she came to Canada before, her dream was to be a admin in Canada, but her English not good enough. So she decided studding English in LINE. Before my English was so poor she couldn't understand what people saying, but new she progressed my English. she can have conversation with local people. she so proud I have achieved my English. she wanted to has another child, when she came to Canada second year she has her young daughter, she is a beautiful and smart girl, her husband so happy he has another kid.
she has two daughters. My oldest daughter studding U of T , 4th year, her young daughter she is 7 years old in grade

Tuesday 24 May 2016


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesday's assignment


Task 1:

Write one paragraph using simple present ONLY. Describe five or more routine or habitual actions that you practice.
I come to school every day, I 'm hard working to learning English. 
Task 2:

Write one paragraph using present progressive ONLY. Describe your classroom and your peers.
I 'm studding English in this class for three month. I'm real loving this class room, clear, bright and big. I have many nice classmate, difference age, from difference  county, but we respecting every one.
Task 3:

Write one paragraph using present perfect ONLY. Share five things that you have never tried, visited, eaten, or done and why.
I have never been to Paris, I hope I can go to Paris next year. I have never eaten  Paris food, I also went try next year. I never have been to watch Paris clothing festival, I want to watch next year. I have never been to Japan, I hope I can visit next month and I have never been to Thailand, I want  going next year.

Write one paragraph using present perfect progressive ONLY. Share five things that you have started in the past and have been doing till the current time.
I'm studding English in this LINC school  for 3 month, I' m making so many new friends in this school.  my classmates working hard to learning English. We're learning English tense today ,but some one still confusing use that in sentence, maybe we're need practicing more. 

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Wednesday's assignment


Good morning everyone, hope that you have had a great, productive, and relaxing long weekend. This week's theme is Presentations. Presentations help you develop confidence, build self-esteem, get more organized and learn to track your time.
Click on this link  and this link; these are two different presentations; play both and answer the following questions after.

Compare between the two links in the following table:

First Link
Second Link
Useful Tips
tell a story and remember   speak loudly, speak action, make point, listen to you wife, you can have a dream.
before presentation do the penguin excise,to reduce  the nerves
you can sale good flower your dreams
prepare before you presentation, use excise,look the audience eyes
your dream is not for sale 
don't say filler words "an an' dont go unprepare
he's a funny person, he  makes many joke.
she speech clear and dress up 
he is a confident person, he did a wonderful presentation. 
 look the audience eyes,three sheet delivery you can help you
New Vocabulary
foundation phase, procrastination overacted axiom eradicating        actions speak  louder than words  
butter flies in your stomach, yell it out/shout out, all over the place, take away message

Monday 16 May 2016

Monday's assignment


Task 1:

Listen to a radio interview with a communications consultant about giving presentations. Answer the questions below.
1. How does Melanie define a good presentation? One is well prepare one is deliver 
2. What three Ps of presentations does she mention? lot planing, preparation and practice  
3. Why is it important to consider your audience when preparing a presentation? how familiar to the audience to learn and interesting  to them, real need audience mood
4. How can you start your presentation? Give examples. 
start your presentation like ice breaker something create report   and relax even can be joke get relax listening picture start your presentation you should be confident what you saying     
5. What is a presentation outline? point for
6. How can an outline help you in giving a good presentation?  signposes
7. What are signposts? like first now for my next point
8. What other aspects of a presentation are important? body language and voice are important 
 Task 2:

Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to the expressions below. Try to define each one based on your understanding, and then answer the questions below.

fall on deaf ears
not pay attention
be second nature
to do some being nature
frame of mind 
with someone in mind
consider audience
start more comfortable
attention grabber 
attract attention
tried and tested
some body include work 

Task 3:
1. What does Melanie mean when she says a presentation can fall on deaf earsso boring not pay attention
2. What is an ice-breaker? In what situations, other than presentations, would you use an ice-breaker?  yes when start presentation have joke, short story
3. What does Melanie mean by a good frame of mind for listening
what they learn what they intresting
4. What does Melanie mean when she says to some people public speaking is second natureto do some being nature
5. What is an attention grabber? What example of an attention grabber does Melanie give? attract attention make joke
6. When Melanie says you need to have your audience in mind when you plan your talk, what does she mean? consider your audience what they are interesting

Friday 6 May 2016

When I come to Canada, my English is not good enough.My friend introduces me to a social worker, I make an appointment in a week time. On that day, I see a woman in an office; I tell her I need to translate to English to some paper work. When we finish the paper work, she asks me "your family is new to Canada and you have a young kid, do you need some help? for example, There are some people who  donate staff  to help new immigrants, do you want it?"I think s Donation will be bad, old or dirty, so I refused her, I said," I don't want it," that lady said, “I think you need it and I have already applied for you." After two weeks, two social workers come to my home; theygive me a big box, then I say thanks to them. When I open that big box, my husband and my daughter  see so many new staff  in the box, including our clothes, kitchen staff, and books. My family are so surprised, because we think people usually donate used staff, but those are new, my family appreciated kind-hearted people.

When I coming to Canada, my English not good enough,.My  friend introduce to me a social worker, I make an appointment next week. In that day, I see a women in office, I tell her I need translate English and other paper work, when we finish the paper work, "your family new to Canada, you have a young kid, do you need some  help, for example, some one donate staff  to help new immigrant, do you want it," she ask me,but I think some donate staff not good, maybe old, dirty.  I want refuse her, I said," I don't want it," that lady said,"I think you need I already apply for you," after two weeks, two social worker come to my home, give me a big box, I say thanks to them. when I open that big box, my husband my daughter  see so many new staff  in box, including our cloth, kitchen staff, and books. my family so surprise, because we think people usually donate used staff, but those are new, my family appreciated warm heart  people.

Monday 2 May 2016

Monday's assignment


Task 1:

Click on this link to get more practice on the use of gerunds and infinitives. Finish two exercises; repeat them till you get them all right. 

Task 2: 

Complete the text using the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Farmer Jones met Jane when he was just a young man. He couldn’t helping (1 fall) in love with her immediately and asked her to marry him. She said yes although she knew it would mean (2 get) up early to milk the cows for the rest of her life. “Love means never (3 have) to get up early to milk the cows”, said Farmer Jones, and explained that he would continue (4 get) up early to milk the cows so Jane could sleep late every day. Everything went well until they tried (5 increase) their profits by buying some chickens. The first night, a fox ate one of the chickens. Farmer Jones decided (6 build) a fence to protect the chickens. But the ground was too hard so he couldn’t. He tried (7 use) an axe to break the ground but it was much too hard. So he went to the local shop and tried (8 buy) a gun. But he didn’t have any identification so he couldn’t buy one. He tried (9 borrow) one from his neighbours but they were all worried about the fox too. “I regret not (10 buy) one when I had those rabbit problems”, he told Jane. So Jane went to the shop and bought a gun. That night she tried (11 stop) the fox. At first she tried (12 scare) the fox by shooting into the air but it didn’t work. So she tried (13 hit) the fox but she missed. She called her husband and he ran after the fox to try (14 catch) it but he wasn’t fast enough. They tried (15 shout) at the fox and they tried (16 throw) things at it and they tried (17 leave) other food for the fox but nothing worked. Soon they had only 1 chicken left. They tried (18 ask) their neighbours for help and one of their neighbours told them to try (19 put) tiger dung on the ground. So they went to the local zoo to try (20 buy) some tiger dung. They put the dung on the ground and they never saw the fox again. 

Task 3

Answer the questions based on the summaries below. Use either a gerund, an infinitive, or a simple form in your answer.

One Life to Live

Maggie, who teaches children at a school for the deaf, meets Max when she comes to Llanview to visit her cousin, Andrew. Max, a friend of Andrew’s, is a widower with one-year-old twins. After Maggie spends some time with the twins, she suspects that one of them, Frankie, is partially deaf. She tells Max that he must take Frankie for testing. Max refuses to believe that his son is deaf and tells Maggie to stay out of his family’s business. Maggie, who grew up with a deaf brother, pursues the matter, even setting up an appointment for Frankie without Max’s knowledge. When Max finds out about the appointment, he is furious at Maggie.

a. Why did Maggie come to Llanview?
She teaches children at school for the deaf.

b. Why is Max angry at Maggie?
Max refuses make a appointment
c. What is Maggie determined to do?
eve setting up an appointment for Frankie without Max's knowledge

Task 4:

Follow the same pattern, now write a short paragraph with the same title and make sure to use either a gerund, to-infinitive or infinitive without to in your short story. Ask a friend to edit your work.

                                            one life to live

When I come to Canada, I  wouldn't speaking English. I felt living Canada is difficult for me. I realize  leaning English is important to me. so I hard working to study English until new.