Tuesday 24 May 2016


Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Tuesday's assignment


Task 1:

Write one paragraph using simple present ONLY. Describe five or more routine or habitual actions that you practice.
I come to school every day, I 'm hard working to learning English. 
Task 2:

Write one paragraph using present progressive ONLY. Describe your classroom and your peers.
I 'm studding English in this class for three month. I'm real loving this class room, clear, bright and big. I have many nice classmate, difference age, from difference  county, but we respecting every one.
Task 3:

Write one paragraph using present perfect ONLY. Share five things that you have never tried, visited, eaten, or done and why.
I have never been to Paris, I hope I can go to Paris next year. I have never eaten  Paris food, I also went try next year. I never have been to watch Paris clothing festival, I want to watch next year. I have never been to Japan, I hope I can visit next month and I have never been to Thailand, I want  going next year.

Write one paragraph using present perfect progressive ONLY. Share five things that you have started in the past and have been doing till the current time.
I'm studding English in this LINC school  for 3 month, I' m making so many new friends in this school.  my classmates working hard to learning English. We're learning English tense today ,but some one still confusing use that in sentence, maybe we're need practicing more. 

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