Monday 16 May 2016

Monday's assignment


Task 1:

Listen to a radio interview with a communications consultant about giving presentations. Answer the questions below.
1. How does Melanie define a good presentation? One is well prepare one is deliver 
2. What three Ps of presentations does she mention? lot planing, preparation and practice  
3. Why is it important to consider your audience when preparing a presentation? how familiar to the audience to learn and interesting  to them, real need audience mood
4. How can you start your presentation? Give examples. 
start your presentation like ice breaker something create report   and relax even can be joke get relax listening picture start your presentation you should be confident what you saying     
5. What is a presentation outline? point for
6. How can an outline help you in giving a good presentation?  signposes
7. What are signposts? like first now for my next point
8. What other aspects of a presentation are important? body language and voice are important 
 Task 2:

Listen to the interview again. Pay attention to the expressions below. Try to define each one based on your understanding, and then answer the questions below.

fall on deaf ears
not pay attention
be second nature
to do some being nature
frame of mind 
with someone in mind
consider audience
start more comfortable
attention grabber 
attract attention
tried and tested
some body include work 

Task 3:
1. What does Melanie mean when she says a presentation can fall on deaf earsso boring not pay attention
2. What is an ice-breaker? In what situations, other than presentations, would you use an ice-breaker?  yes when start presentation have joke, short story
3. What does Melanie mean by a good frame of mind for listening
what they learn what they intresting
4. What does Melanie mean when she says to some people public speaking is second natureto do some being nature
5. What is an attention grabber? What example of an attention grabber does Melanie give? attract attention make joke
6. When Melanie says you need to have your audience in mind when you plan your talk, what does she mean? consider your audience what they are interesting

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